Global Mobility through a corporate HR lens
Global Mobility (GM) is about sending the right people to the right place at the right time and the right costs.
This -at first sight- plain definition hides a myriad of roles, tasks, required competencies, stakeholders and (hidden) agendas and ranges from operational activities to strategic advisory at the highest level of the organisation.
In this arena of competing (and often conflicting) interests and continuously changing requirements, the GM function has become a specialisation that serves many interests and harbours many (academic) disciplines, irrespective of where the function sits, be it internally, mostly the corporate HR department, or externally, with third parties that are increasingly insourcing HR GM tasks, such as Relocation Management Companies, destination service providers and consultants.
To support newly arrived Relocation and RMC professionals, HR staff, and consultants who need to get up to speed with GM case handling in all its different facets, Expatise Academy offers a wing-to-wing, blended (online and in-person) certification course.
The Curriculum
* The world of HR Global Mobility
* HR Global Mobility Competencies
Intercultural Communication
Building the HR GM framework
Initiating assignments
* Legal Compliance
Labour Law
Corporate Immigration
Income Tax
Social Security
* The Future of HR Global Mobility
Understanding HR GM stakeholders
Enhancing the Assignee Experience
Click on the curriculum tab to find more details.
This comprehensive Elementary GM course is created by Expatise Publishers in collaboration with the Expatise Academy and is geared towards
Current Relocation and RMC staff who need to take over insourced HR GM tasks;
Newly hired HR staff who need to get up to speed with HR GM case handling;
Relocation professionals who decided to make a career change toward the corporate HR GM function;
HR business partners, line managers and consultants who are not directly responsible for handling international assignments but want to understand the corporate HR Global Mobility function.
The course consists of eight modules based on the Expatise methodology: an integrated combination of
online learning in your own time and at your own pace by means of e-learning tests and video lessons
in-person learning, where you meet colleagues and teachers, exchange experiences, share best practices, and discuss challenges.
Participants will also have access to the MemoTrainerApp© as well as the Expatise online campus: a personal learning environment that comprises handbooks, topical libraries, peer-to-peer communities, and access to the Expatise Educate Yourself catalogue for in-depth learning.
Professional Certification
Participants who successfully complete the course by achieving the 80% knowledge retention score receive the EClevel2credential. This internationally-recognized certification is a formal recognition by Expatise partners that the participant has demonstrated a proficiency within and comprehension of the Global Mobility environment and helps validate the level of expertise and experience of HR GM professionals and improve employability.
The content of this online training as well as the look and feel of the learning environment can be customized according to the needs and wishes of the customer.