Meredith is a Global Client Manager for CIGNA Global Health Benefits in its Middle East office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In her role Meredith is responsible for establishing global consultative partnerships with customers who have a concentrated presence in the Middle East. Meredith will complement and support the existing team by working closely with multinational client’s key regional decision makers and assist and educate them on the Middle East claims process, service structure, and compliance issues.
Meredith has been with Cigna Global Health Benefits for 14 years. Prior to her moving to the Dubai office in 2009, Meredith served as a New Business Manager for CIGNA Global Health Benefits in the Southeast and Midwest regions of the United States. She has created benefit strategies to eliminate service issues that face corporate benefit staff. She is actively involved in supporting multinational employers and their intermediaries in providing global healthcare, disability, life and accident, and travel medical plans for employees either assigned or traveling internationally.Prior to joining CIGNA Global Health Benefits, Meredith had more than five years of global sales experience with Lucent Technologies in Atlanta, GA. She is a graduate of Florida State University, where she earned a degree in business administration.
Meredith joined the Expatise Faculty in 2016