Time & Location
29 apr 2024, 16:00 – 17:00 CEST
MS Teams
About the event
Surveillance and compliance with sponsor duties will, in the future when all government systems have been linked, take place using 24-hour verification. Until that time, surveillance takes place manually, at random, or when the IND or National Labour Inspectorate find indications of non-compliance.
To burden the sponsor as little as possible, surveillance will initially take place on an administrative level based on the exchange of information between government bodies, but the enforcing authorities (IND and Netherlands Labour Authority) could visit the location of the sponsor at their discretion and without prior announcement for an audit.
In this webinar, Marcel Reurs will take you through the process of an audit by the IND and share with you what to expect. Moreover, he will share with you some dos and don’ts that are essential for carrying out your role when representing your company during an audit.